Sermons (Khutab)

- Don’t Put Off Doing What is Right
- Don’t Turn Mosques into Political Centers
- Hearts of the Sahaba
- Lord of Easts and Wests
- Surrender to His Will
- The Blessed Day of `Ashura
- You Have Been Chosen
- Have Mercy to Those on Earth
- Eid al-Fitr: Day of Forgiveness
- Remember Our Lord
- When the Wild Beasts Are Gathered
- Do Not Be Jealous of Each Other
- `Eid al-Adha Khutbah
- The Believers Are Brothers
- Obedience is the Goal of Worship, not the Act Itself
- Be a Stranger in Dunya
- What Happens When We Say “La ilaha illa-Llah”
- Ramadan Is A Favor, Not A Burden
- Allah’s Invitation to All Humanity: Come to the Home of Peace
- The Heavenly White Dome of “Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem“