
Welcome to the official website of the Most Distinguished Naqshbandi Haqqani Sufi Order of America, your gateway to the teachings, practices and events of the Sufi Order of the late Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil, Grand Shaykh of the Tariqa, may Allah bless his soul. The Naqshbandi Haqqani Sufi Order of America is led by Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani, official representative of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil.
The Masters
The School
The Zikr
The Holy Months

- Awareness of Numbers (“wuquf adadi”)
- Awareness of the Heart (wuquf qalbi)
- Dhikr – Remembrance of God
- Imam Ibn Taymiyya About Saints and Sainthood
Golden Chain
Imam at-Tahawi al-Hanafi said: “The Lawmaker (s) first forbade pictures entirely, even stripes on clothes, because people had only recently turned away from worshipping images…..

“On this basis Allah has divided the day into three parts: eight hours for worship, eight hours for earning a living and eight hours for sleeping. Anyone who does not accept and follow this division of energies will exemplify the hadith, ‘He who is erratic will be erratic in the Hellfire.’
Sufi Sayings
Shah Naqshband (q) said, “Observance of the numbers in dhikr is the first step in the state of acquiring Heavenly Knowledge (`ilm ul-ladunni).”