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(adhan is done, and now send greetings to the prophet and his fellow brothers in prophethood)

As-salatu wassalamu ‘alayk, ya man arsalahu-llahu ta’ala rahmatan lil ‘aalameen….


Allahu akbar

4 times

Ash-hadu an la ilaaha illa llah

2 times

Ash-hadu anna Muhammadan Rasulu-llah

2 times

Hayyia ‘ala salah

2 times

Hayyia ‘alal falah

2 times

Allahu akbar

2 times

La ilaha illa-llah

1 time


Adhan (call for prayer)

Allahu akbar

4 times

Ash-hadu an la ilaaha illa llah

2 times

Ash-hadu anna Muhammadan Rasulu-llah

2 times

Hayyia ‘ala salah

2 times

Hayyia ‘alal falah

2 times

Allahu akbar

2 times

La ilaha illa-llah

1 time


Allahu akbar

4 times

Ash-hadu an la ilaaha illa llah

2 times

Ash-hadu anna Muhammadan Rasulu-llah

2 times

Hayyia ‘ala salah

2 times

Hayyia ‘alal falah

2 times

Allahu akbar

2 times

La ilaha illa-llah

1 time


Adhan (call for prayer)

Allahu akbar

4 times

Ash-hadu an la ilaaha illa llah

2 times

Ash-hadu anna Muhammadan Rasulu-llah

2 times

Hayyia ‘ala salah

2 times

Hayyia ‘alal falah

2 times

Allahu akbar

2 times

La ilaha illa-llah

1 time

Qiyam Al-Layl

One should get up at least one hour before Fajr since it is at this time that the gate of the Mercy of God, Who is Powerful and Sublime, is opened and the time when the great shaykhs look at their murīds. One should get up and perform ablution and perform two rak`ats of Tahīyyatu `l-wudu and then stand up, facing the Qiblah and ask that God, Exalted and Glorious, to purify oneself from the anger of one’s nafs and, with this intention, one should then recite Yā Halīm 100 times, and then one should seek protection from one’s external and internal enemies, and from both heavenly and earthly misfortune, reciting Yā Hafīzh 100 times.