The Prophet’s Knowledge Oceans

Subhanaka! Subhanaka! Subhanak.
New pages. Unlimited pages. Everything that belongs to Allah Almighty is unlimited. If you can find a limit for numbers, you may speak a bit of Allah Almighty’s grants. Therefore Allah Almighty says that if oceans were ink and trees were to be pens for writing, it would only be a tiny bit from heavenly knowledge that belongs to Allah Almighty, it (ink) would finish even if you would bring seven oceans instead of one ocean.
Even they would finish; but the knowledge that Allah Almighty is granting to the Seal of Prophets (s), is not going to finish, because he is the only one speaking on behalf of Allah Almighty – the first one. Allah Almighty never addresses anyone else in His Divine Presence except the most honoured one among all creation, Sayyidina Muhammad (s). No one can approach the Divine Presence like the Seal of Prophets (s). Allah Almighty first created his soul, his illuminated soul, and it was ‘নুর‘. And from that ‘নুর‘, Allah created! Everything was created from that ‘nur’. No one and nothing can directly reach the essence of Allah Almighty. Nnothing can reach – it is impossible. Only through the Seal of Prophets – the summary and essence of whole creation is with him. It has been granted to him, and that grant is continuing without stopping, running, never ceasing or being cut off, no!
A’udhu billahi mina-sh-shaitani-r-rajim, bismillahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim. La haula wa la quwatta illa billahi-l ‘aliyyi-l ‘adhim.
Sultan-ul-Arifin Aba Yazid, may Allah bless him, (said) to keep with their zikr, to keep their remembrance, to try to be with the inheritors of the Seal of Prophets, to try that your soul is in the oceans of their holy souls; because each one of them – Saints, the inheritors of the Seal of Prophets, those Grand Saints – has been granted oceans as well. But their oceans, even the oceans of all prophets and saints together, in comparison to that which has been granted to the Seal of Prophets, is just like the drop sticking to the tip of a needle when you dip it in an ocean. It is only that much in comparison. And all aulia and saints, particularly Grand Saints, Grand Sheikhs, the ones in the first row, close to the Seal of Prophets, sayyedina Muhammad (s), they are taking directly from him and they have been granted much more than others. And their souls are drinking from those oceans and are also becoming oceans. The soul of each one of them is like an ocean and only the Prophet (s) knows what is in that ocean. Allah knows everything; but through the station of creation, what had been granted to all prophets as well as grand prophets, Grand Aulia, Grand Sheikhs – they are first row inheritors of RasulAllah (s)- only the Prophet (s) knows.. And what is in everyone’s ocean, they know, as well as the prophet (s) knows.
Therefore, they have universes, ‘awalim’, creations in their oceans. And that creation is a grant from the Seal of Prophets. And his Lord’s grant to him increases more and more, it does not remain the same. Allah Almighty says:” Oh my beloved servant! Waladayna mazeed! I am granting and it will never end. That, what I am granting to you it is never going to end” Therefore, whatever was granted to RasulAllah (s) when he was with us, it is not the same now. Every second, in every breath, that grant is being doubled by Allah Almighty.
Therefore, when we say about Aba Yazid (r.a.): Keep aulias, try to be with them, even with their names and with their association. When we mention their names, an opening comes to us. It is not empty. The Prophet was saying that when we mention the good ones – Saints, Grand Saints, Prophets, Grand Prophets and the Seal of Prophets, ‘tanzil-ur-Rahma’, mercy from the mercy oceans comes on us. Therefore, ‘manakib-ul-aulia’. The Holy Quran mentions the names of prophets, because every time we mention their names, a lot of mercy from the mercy oceans comes on us. Therefore, it is repeated so many times (in the Quran) what happened to Bani Israel, the children of Israel, what happened to sayyedina Adam, what happened to sayyedina Nuh, what happened to sayyedina Ibrahim and to the other prophets. It is to take honour from them, to take from their ‘nur’, from their divine lights, to come on you. And it is a preparation for you for your eternal life, because eternity can carry as much as you have been granted, without limits. Those who are on (are working for) eternal life and whose target is eternity, they may ask for more and more – unlimited. Just like an aeroplane flying – the more petrol we put in it, the longer it flies, never saying ‘enough’, no! As much as we put in it, it flies. And our souls in the Divine Presence – don’t think they are stopping – are running, and running through innumerable oceans. All of that belongs to eternity.
Therefore, it is an order – sohbet, association – you must keep in line (touch) with them directly. That runs through your real being. Don’t think this is our real being. This is just a shadow of the real being. The real being, this world can’t carry. Therefore archangel Gabriel (as) sometimes came in the form of a man, and we say Jibril (as) just came. Did he leave his station and come here? When he came to the Prophet, was his station empty? Dis he come himself with his real being? How? It is just a representative (of his real being), as a shadow in the form of man. The real being never moves here or there from the Divine Presence. Never! “No ones eyes can look here or there!” Do you think that the real being of the Seal of Prophets was with us? How could this world carry it? The whole of creation would disappear if his real being came into existence here. No more creation, everything would disappear in his oceans, nothing would ever appear. But everything, through Divine Wisdom, has been arranged and programmed. No one knows how it is and how it can be, no! We are on our station and the Divine Address came first to Rasulullah and then to us. If the Prophet would not be the mediator, the Divine Revelation would burn everything on earth. [The Sheikh recites ]
“If We had caused this Qur’an to descend upon a mountain, thou (O Muhammad) verily hadst seen it humbled, rent asunder by the fear of Allah. Such similitudes coin We for mankind that haply they may reflect.” [Surat al-Hashr, 21]
Therefore, those small-minded ignorant people still say that Sayyidina Muhammad (s) was just like a postman – just bringing and delivering a message. Such ignorance! It has now spread in the whole Islamic world, in the East and in the West. They don’t understand the wisdom about the sending of sayyedina Muhammad and him being granted the holy Quran. Mountains can’t carry (this weight); but only the heart of the most illuminated and most honoured one was able to carry the weight of Divine Revelation. How can you say that he is now finished, and we can be with Allah without Muhammad (s)? What is this ignorance that we are in?
Therefore, so many troubles are coming on those people. Yes, it is a very deep ocean that we are trying to show to you; we cannot reach it. Aba Yazid – may Allah bless him, and may the lights from his ocean illuminate our hearts. Illuminated hearts, they are living hearts! Not illuminated ones, they are dead hearts, locked hearts. Therefore, the hearts of so many big scholars are locked. They don’t understand what you say. Locked up! Allah opens our hearts to His auliya. We are asking that when we speak about the aulia, that they grant us something according to our needs. Therefore, that is ‘rabita‘ – connection from heart to heart. When you make ‘rabita‘, those divine lights granted to that Wali, Grand Wali, or নবী or Grand নবী, or the Seal of Anbiya, run through you heart, and you are going to be illuminated.
When we look at the sky at night, we see illuminated stars; but there are also billions of stars that are not illuminated, because that ‘nur’ does not come on them. And it is similar with mankind as well. Heavenly beings are looking at mankind and seeing which ones of mankind are illuminated and are shining – just like we look at the shining stars in the sky. Therefore, ‘rabita’, connection, is the most important medium to reach heavenly lights. Those who deny this are cut off; no light comes to their hearts – finished. People are now therefore in darkness; because they don’t have any connection to heavenly people or with the illuminated servants of Allah living in this world among us. They don’t care, are not interested, and are happy to live in their darkness, in their dark ‘দুনিয়া‘. Just like night birds (bats) are happy to be in the darkness of night. They don’t like to come out in the daytime, because they don’t like light. And now, 99% of the people on earth don’t look for heavenly lights to be illuminated, and they are happy to be in the dark world, in a dark atmosphere. Therefore they are doing so many things, if they could only see, they would not do it. If their hearts were illuminated, they would not fight and quarrel and complain. They would be happy with that what has been grated to them from the Creator, the Lord of Heavens. But darkness is preventing and hindering them to reach that point; because they don’t seek a connection to the spiritual world and with spirituality and heavenly beings on earth or in the heavens. That is the trouble. All of those who live in this dark atmosphere, without asking for a connection with heavenly beings, with their spiritual being, all of them are troublemakers.
People in this small country – no one recognizes this country – are saying, 80 million people in Turkey and 200,000 in North Cyprus, they are asking to join the group of European states. They think that when they are connected with the European Union, they should be happy, they think that their troubles are going to be finished and everything is going to be so smooth and beautiful. This is their biggest mistake and misunderstanding; because material (things) never gives people any rest or a good life; it never giving them a life of pleasure and enjoyment – ‘hayaat-ut-tayyib‘ – never! (It is the) same! If they become members of the EU, they would still have the same troubles, because they are carrying the same bacteria of illness with them. Although they might join the EU; but the same illness is with them – same atmosphere! Darkness (here), darkness (there)! The EU is never going to give them any light; they are not going to be illuminated. They might perhaps reach a mass of money, material things, but they will remain non-illuminated, finished. If the Iraqi problem finishes, another problem will arise, because the same illness is with the people – that they are refusing connection with an illuminated existence, with illuminated people. They are only running after darkness and dark people.
May Allah forgive me, and give us a good understanding, for this is an important point that nations must know. All nations have cut off their connection with heavenly beings, they deny them, they deny prophecy and sainthood, and everything belonging to Heavens, and they fall down into the dark world. Dark world; wherever they are running to, they will find only darkness and troubles.
Allah! Allah! Ya Rabb! Forgive us, Ya Rabb! We are asking for forgiveness and His blessings. For the honour of the most honoured one in His Divine Presence, the Prophet Muhammad (s) – al-Fatiha.