Our grandshaikh ‘Abdullah ad-Daghestani said: “After Shaikh Sharafuddin passed, and I was awaiting an opening to emigrate from Turkey, I was in a seclusion in the mosque next to the tomb of my shaikh, praying one night before Fajr. It was a cold and snowy night. I could feel the coldness in my bones. I could hear the quiet falling of the snow on the trees and the howling of wolves in the woods. I heard a voice calling my name, ‘Abdullah Effendi.’ I looked around but saw no one. Then I heard the voice again calling out, ‘Abdullah!’ I looked again, but again could not see anyone. I knew it was the voice of my shaikh. The warmth of that voice energized me, and I ran outside, without even putting on my shoes or my woolen cloak. I saw my shaikh in a brilliant vision, standing on the hill. He called to me and said, ‘Abdullah Effendi, come.’ I did not even think to put shoes on; I walked on the snow and could feel warmth from the Divine Love emanating from his spirit. As I reached him he said, ‘My son, tonight I have been ordered to take you to the presence of Sayyidina Uwais al-Qarani (r) by the order of the Prophet .’”
“Then he said, ‘My son, take my hand.’ I was very happy to take the hand of my shaikh, and as soon as I took his hand I found myself in the association of saints, in the presence of the Prophet , and Sayyidina Uwais al-Qarani (r) was sitting there. We entered, and found there were two places left for us to sit. We gave our respect and took our places.”
“Then Sayyidina ‘Ali (r) stood up and said, ‘For the first time we are revealing this secret to the association of saints. Only now have we received the permission from the Prophet for that secret to appear.’”
“I saw present in the gathering the 7,007 Naqshbandi saints, together with the 313 Naqshbandi saints who are on the footsteps of the 313 great messengers, and the grandshaikhs of the Golden Chain. Sayyidina ‘Ali said, addressing the association, and especially me, ‘When the Prophet was passing away, he called Sayyidina ‘Umar and me to his presence and he said, ‘After I die, you take the clothes I am wearing when I pass away, as a trust from me to Uwais al-Qarani. You will find Uwais al-Qarani in such and such a place.””
“Sayyidina ‘Ali (r) said, ‘While the Prophet lay dying he was sweating a great amount. After he had passed we took those sweat-soaked clothes as a trust. We went as the Prophet
had directed us and looked for Uwais al-Qarani. We asked about him but no one knew of him. Then Sayyidina ‘Umar said, ‘O Ali, we haven’t found him and no one here knows of him. We might as well go back.’ I said, ‘O Umar, that is impossible. If the Prophet
said he is here, we must find him. Perhaps he is known by a different name.’ Then we began asking, ‘Do you know someone who is a shepherd? He takes care of his mother and never leaves her.’ Some people said, ‘Yes. But his name is not Uwais al-Qarani, his name is ‘Abdullah.’ Then they showed us where he lived.’”
“‘We went to that place and we saw in the distance a man sitting with his back to us. We approached. When we came near, without turning around, he said, ‘O ‘Ali, O ‘Umar, give me my trust.’ Immediately we handed him the robe of the Prophet . He stood up, kissed the robe, put it on his head, then put it to his heart and said, ‘I accept, I accept, I accept.””
“‘We wondered why he was kissing the robe and saying these words, because he had never seen the Prophet in all his life. But we were hesistant to ask.’”
“‘Then he turned to Sayyidina ‘Umar (r) and said to him, ‘Ya ‘Umar, how many times have you seen the Prophet ?’ ‘Umar was astonished at this question. He said, ‘That is a strange question. I spent my whole life in the company of the Prophet.’ Sayyidina Uwais said, ‘I am asking for a reason. How many times did you actually see him?’ Sayyidina ‘Umar said, ‘How do you mean? I was with him all the time!’ Sayyidina Uwais al-Qarani said, ‘Describe him to me.’ Sayyidina ‘Umar began to describe the Prophet, his eyes, his features, his appearance. Then Sayyidina Uwais said, ‘Ya ‘Umar, this description is known to everyone, including those who disbelieved in him.’”
“‘Then he looked at me and said, ‘Ya ‘Ali, how many times did you see the Prophet ?’ I knew what he meant, and I said, ‘Ya Uwais, in my life I only saw the Prophet
one time.’ Sayyidina ‘Umar was looking at me in amazement. I said, ‘I saw him one time. The Prophet
called me and told me, ‘Look at me from my navel and above.) I looked and I saw that the Prophet
from his navel up filled the universes and the Seven Heavens. From his neck and up, I was unable to see, but it was above the Sidratul Muntaha (Furthermost Limit). Then he told me, ‘Look from my navel and down.’ I looked and I saw all these universes, all these worlds, stars and planets had disappeared and all that I saw was the Prophet
, from his waist to his knees filling up that entire space. And from his knees down to his feet I was unable to see. Then he
said, (Look at all of me, from top to bottom.) I looked at him, and the Sidratul Muntaha and all these universes disappeared, and all I saw was Muhammad
, everywhere. At that time I knew that Muhammad
is the Heart of the Divine Presence (al-Haqiqat al-Muhammadiyya).’”
“‘Then Sayyidina Uwais looked at me and said, ‘You really saw the Prophet one time. And that is why he
said about you, ‘I am the City of Knowledge and ‘Ali is its Door.’ Allah has also given this Divine Knowledge to Abu Bakr as-Siddiq, as the Prophet
mentioned, ‘Whatever Allah poured into my heart, I poured into the heart of Abu Bakr as-Siddiq).’
“‘In this state of wonderment, Sayyidina ‘Umar (r) asked Sayyidina Uwais, ‘What is the significance of that robe we brought to you?’ He said, ‘O ‘Umar, that is one of the biggest secrets, which will not be revealed to people until the Last Days of his Nation. While the Prophet was passing away, he was asking for intercession for his Nation.’”
“‘Then he said, ‘His Nation includes all human beings. And that is why Allah said, ‘Say [O Prophet]: O mankind! I am a Messenger to you all from Allah, to Whom belongs the Kingdom of the heavens and the earth.’ [7: 158]. The Prophet asked for intercession and Allah gave permission. He was interceding for every individual that Allah created. As he was asking he was sweating, and each drop of sweat represented one human being. He took on the burdens of each person. Until he was satisfied that Allah had forgiven everyone, then he left this world. And the symbols of that forgiveness are the drops of sweat which soaked this robe.’”
“‘This robe was given to me because the Prophet wanted to tell me, ‘O Uwais, I am passing to you the Divine Knowledge to clean the Nation after they make sins. You must pass that power to your successors, from me to you and from you to them.””
“And Sayyidina `Ali said that Sayyidina Uwais al-Qarani said, ‘I didn’t see the Prophet শারীরিকভাবে, কিন্তু প্রতিটি মুহূর্তে, প্রতিটি দিনের, আমি তার জীবনের সময় তার সাথে ছিলাম। আমি তার কাছ থেকে তার জাতির জন্য গুরুত্বপূর্ণ প্রতিটি বিষয় পেয়েছি। আমি আল্লাহর অলিদের মধ্যে অনেক উত্তরাধিকারী ও উত্তরাধিকারীদের কাছে এই গোপনীয়তা প্রেরণ করতে যাচ্ছি। শারীরিক সংযোগ ছাড়াই কিন্তু আধ্যাত্মিক সংযোগের মাধ্যমে, তারা শুদ্ধি শক্তির গোপনীয়তা লাভ করবে এবং বিচারের দিন পর্যন্ত প্রতি শতাব্দীতে তা পুনরুজ্জীবিত করবে।'
“তখন সাইয়্যিদিনা ‘আলী সাধুদের সংঘকে বললেন, কিন্তু তাঁর বক্তৃতা আমাকে নির্দেশ দিয়ে বললেন, 'আপনার কাছে এবং আপনার আগে অনেক ওলীর কাছে যা পৌঁছেছে তা সেই উওয়াইসি শক্তি থেকে। এই প্রথম রাসুল (সাঃ) এর অনুমতিক্রমে গোপন কথা প্রকাশ করা হল .’”
“তখন আমার শায়খ আমাকে বললেন, 'হে বৎস, এখন তুমি তোমার নির্জনে ফিরে যেতে পার।' তিনি এ কথা বলার সাথে সাথেই আমি নিজেকে মসজিদে প্রবেশ করে আবার ঠান্ডা অনুভব করতে পারলাম।
সময়ে সময়ে, সাধুরা তাদের উচ্চ পূর্বসূরিদের আধ্যাত্মিক শক্তির মাধ্যমে এই ধরনের অনুপ্রেরণা এবং দর্শন অনুভব করে।