দৈনিক অভ্যাস

সূচনা করেছে
দ Daily Awrad (Spiritual Practices)
দ আওরাদ of the Initiate (Mubtadi‘)
- শাহাদা three times [ash-hadu an la ilaha illallah wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan `abduhu wa rasaluh]
- আস্তাগফিরুল্লাহ 70 বার;
- Fatiha one time with the intention of participating in the blessings sent down with it when it was revealed in Makkah.
- Ayat Aman ar-rasula (2:285-286).
- Inshirah (Surat 94) 7 times;
- Ikhlas (Surat 112) 11 times;
দ আওরাদ of those who are Prepared (Musta`id‘)
The same আওরাদ as for the Initiated except that:
দ Dhikr ‘Allah, Allah’ is increased from 1500 times to 2500 times by tongue and 2500 times by heart…..

- শাহাদা three times;
- Seeking Allah’s forgiveness, “আস্তাগফিরুল্লাহ” 70 times;
- Fatiha one time with the intention of participating in the blessings sent down with it when it was revealed in Makka.