اختر صفحة


The Daily أوراد (الممارسات الروحية)

ال أوراد of the People of Determination (مُريد’) fotdawtxt3

  1. الشهادة three times;
  2. Seeking Allah’s forgiveness, “استغفر الله” 70 times;
  3. قرأ الفاتحة مرة واحدة بنية المشاركة في البركات التي نزلت معها حين نزلت بمكة.

GrandShaykh said, “If someone reads Fatiha, he will not leave this world without attaining those Divine Favors that are hidden behind the meaning of the Fatiha which enable him to reach a state of submission to Allah, Almighty and Exalted. The blessings that Allah has sent down with the Fatiha when it was revealed to the Prophet ﷺ will never cease, and will last forever, with the one who recites the Fatiha. No one is able to know how much blessings there are except Allah and His Messenger ﷺ. Whoever recites surat al-Fatiha, with the intention of sharing in these tajallis(heavenly manifestations), will attain a high position and a great rank. And whoever recites without this intention, gets general Divine Favors only. This surah possesses innumerable and limitless stations (maqamat) in the Sight of Allah, Who is Powerful and Sublime.

  1. Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Raheem, Ayah Amana-r-Rasul (Surat 2, verses 285-286), one time.

Whoever recites this آيات, will attain a high rank and a great position. He will get the Safety (al-Aman), in this world and the next. He will enter the Circle of Security in the Presence of Allah Almighty and Exalted, and he will reach all the stations of the Most Distinguished Naqshbandi Order. He will be an inheritor of the Secret of the Prophet ﷺ and of saints, and will arrive at the stage of Bayazid al-Bistami, the Imam of the Order, who said, “I am the Truth (al-Haqq).” This is the magnificent تجلي (manifestation) which belongs to this ayat, and to other ayats also.

GrandShaykh Khalid al-Baghdadi, one of the imams of this Order, received the Vision and the Secret of this آيات, through which Allah made him special for his time.

  1. Surat al-Inshirah (Surah 94) 7 times.

On each letter and on each آيات there is a تجلي which is different from that on any other. Whoever recites an آيات or letter of the Qur’an, will attain the Divine grace that is particular to that آيات or letter.

If anyone recites this surat of Qur’an, he will receive those Divine Graces, tajallis and virtues. Whoever wishes to obtain these virtues, must keep these أوراد daily along with his obligations. Then he will gain True Life and Eternal Life.

These stations and continuous Divine Graces are closely bound together and they cannot be separated, so any deficiency in the أوراد will automatically create a deficiency in the Divine Graces being sent down. As an example, if we want to wash our hands, we may wait in front of the tap for water to come out. If the pipes do not connect properly so that the water escapes before reaching the tap, then, no matter how long we wait, the water will not flow out. So we must not let any deficiency enter our ذِكْر until we obtain all the tajallis and Divine Graces.

  1. Surat al-Ikhlas (Surah 112) 11 times.

Whoever recites this surah, must obtain the تجلي of the two Names of Glory, al-Ahad (the One), and as-Samad (the Eternal). Anyone who reads it, must get a portion of this تجلي.

  1. Surat al-Falaq (Surah 113) 1 time;
  2. Surat al-Nas (Surah 114) 1 time.

The reality of the Secret and the Perfect Wholeness (Kamal) of Allah’s Greatest Name is connected with these two surahs (Falaq & Nas). Since they mark the end of the Qur’an, they are linked and associated with the completion of the Divine Graces and tajallis. By means of these awrad, the Masters of the Most Distinguished Naqshbandi Order became Oceans of Knowledge and Gnosis. GrandShaykh `AbdAllah ad-Daghestani ق said, “You have now reached the beginning, where each verse, letter and surah of the Qur’an has its own special تجلي, which do not resemble any others. For that reason the Messenger of Allah said, “I have left three things with my Ummah, death which makes them afraid, true dreams which give them good tidings, and the Qur’an which addresses them.” By means of the Qur’an Allah will open up the gates of Divine Grace in the Last Times, as it came down in the time of the Holy Prophet and the Companions, and in the times of the khalifas, and in the time of the saints.

  1. لا إله إلا الله 10 times, the last time completing it with Muhammadun Rasulullah;
  2. Salawat ash-sharifa 10 times;
  3. إهدا, presenting the reward of the above recitation to the Prophet ﷺ and to the Shaykhs of the Naqshbandi Tariqat;
  4. concluding with Fatiha, with the intention of sharing in the Divine Graces and تجلي والتي نزلت حين نزلت في المدينة المنورة الثانية.
  5. sit on the knees, meditating on the connection (rabitah) to your Shaykh, from your Shaykh to the Prophet ﷺ and from the Prophet ﷺ to the Divine Presence, reciting “Allahu Allahu Allahu Haqq” three times;
  6. الذكر of the Glorious Name ‘Allah, Allah’ 5000 times by tongue, 5000 times by heart;
  7. Praising the Prophet ﷺ through صلوات 1000 times, and on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays 2000 times.
  8. one-thirthieth of the Qur’an (جزء), or instead Surat al-Ikhlas 100 times;
  9. فصل واحد من دلائل الخيرات أو بدلا من ذلك صلوات 100 مرة.

 PDF أوراد.